Course Syllabus

25120WW - Introduction to Church History II

Wilsey profile pic.jpg

Dr. John D. Wilsey

Associate Professor of Church History
Faculty Bio

Online Teaching Assistant (OTA):

Your OTA will reach out to you at the beginning of the course. Please direct all questions to the OTAs through Canvas. 

Course Schedule 

Click the link below to access Week 1 of this sample course.

Week 1.png

          Introduction & Background

Week 2.png

          Reformation & Reformed Tradition

Week 3.png

          English, Radical, & Catholic Reformations

Week 4.png

          The Enlightenment & the Awakenings

Week 5.png

          African-American Christianity

Week 6.png

          Challenges to Orthodoxy

Week 7.png

            Fundamentalism, Pentecostalism, & the Social Gospel

Week 8.png

          Vatican II & the Civil Rights Movement


Expectation of Students

  • Students are expected to check their SBTS email accounts and Canvas at least twice a week throughout the semester. This is necessary to stay up to date on pertinent class communication.
  • Similarly, students are accountable for all information contained within the Course Syllabus and Class Announcements.

Course Description

The course will cover the history of Christianity and Christian thought from the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century to the present. We will survey the major movements, doctrines, persons, and institutions that arose within the church and affected its development during this time. Our emphasis will be the development of doctrinal understanding in the church as well as careful study of selected key individuals whose lives should inspire us to biblical faithfulness today.

Required Reading / Textbooks

Gonzalez Story of Christianity.jpg

Justo Gonzalez

The Story of Christianity, Vol 2

Wilsey American Exceptionalism.jpg

John D. Wilsey

American Exceptionalism and Civil Religion

Noll The Old Religion in a New World.jpg

Mark Noll

The Old Religion in a New World

Marsden A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards.jpg

George M. Marsden

A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards

Primary Source Readings.jpg


Course Assignments

Lecture Insights.jpg Reading Interactions.jpg Weekly Discussions.jpg Midterm.jpg
Book Review.jpg Final Exam.jpg Pre-test, Post-test.jpg Live Syncs.jpg
Extra Credit.jpg


Course Details

Grading Scale.jpg Technology Requirements.jpg Course Policies.jpg


Course Summary:

Date Details Due