Course Syllabus

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Welcome friends of Southern Seminary! We're so happy that you are auditing this course with Dr. Mohler. You have access to all course materials, streaming links, and posted recordings in this course.

Please note, since this is an audit of the course, you may complete the assignments on your own but you will not submit them. All course content is available to you. If you have any questions, please email Caleb Shaw.

This course will meet on-campus Tuesday/Thursday from March 19-April 25 from 2:30-4:30 pm in Norton 195, which is located around the corner from Broadus Chapel. If you are in Louisville, KY you are more than welcome to attend. You do not need to let anyone know if you will be there or not.

It will also be streamed live and recorded if you are unable to attend in person.

Course Syllabus

Course Assignment Due Dates

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 910 9682 1735
Passcode: 884610


Recordings will be posted the following day. Please note, due to the length of the video, YouTube may take awhile to process the video. If you click the link and it says "We're processing this video. Check back later." then please check back in an hour.

  1. The First Battle for the Gospel - The New Testament and Early Christianity
  2. The Second Battle for the Gospel: Who is Jesus?
  3. The Third Battle of the Gospel: The Doctrine of the Trinity
  4. The Fourth Battle for the Gospel: Augustine vs. Pelagius on Grace
  5. The Fifth Battle for the Gospel: The Protestant Reformation of the Church
    1. Note: The videos will now be uploaded to Vimeo for a better viewing experience. These are private links, please do not share with those outside the class.
  6. The Sixth Battle for the Gospel: The Challenge of the Enlightenment
  7. The Seventh Battle for the Gospel: The Fundamentalist/Modernist Controversy
  8. The Eighth Battle for the Gospel - The Age of Denominations
  9. The Ninth Battle for the Gospel - The Postmodern Age and the Assault on Truth
  10. The Tenth Battle for the Gospel - The Battle over Sexuality and Gender

Course Handouts

Zoom Rules:

  1. When you first login you will be put in the Waiting Room until the class begins.
  2. The chat functionality in Zoom will be the primary communication method if you have any questions or issues
  3. If you would like to ask Dr. Mohler a question in the class please use the Q&A functionality in Zoom. Once Dr. Mohler pauses for questions, the moderator will choose questions from the Zoom audience to be asked. The moderator will unmute your microphone so you can ask the question verbally to Dr. Mohler. In order to get on the list you must post your question via the Q&A button at the bottom of the Zoom tab. You must have your video on to ask a question so please be ready. If your video is not on or you are away from the computer we will go to the next question.
  4. There are also in-person students as well. If someone asks a question that is physically in the room then the moderator will type the question in the chat so you know what Dr. Mohler is answering.
  5. There are many students in the class so it is likely that not all questions will be able to be answered.